Additional Under Deck
When you choose Amazing Underdeck for your deck drainage system, there are many options and accessories that can make your space truly unique!
The most common of these choices would be light, fans, and heaters.

Additional Under Deck
When you choose Amazing Underdeck for your deck drainage system, there are many options and accessories that can make your space truly unique!
The most common of these choices would be lights and fans.

Fans &
While performing your Amazing Underdeck installation, we are able to provide a “Light Prep”, with the necessary waterproofing to make sure the fixture remains dry. Our Light Prep Kits are designed for any kind of surface-mounted lighting, leaving you the option to choose your own lighting.
Recessed, Can, or Pot lighting is not an option with Amazing Underdeck
Once you have decided how many fixtures you may wish to have installed in your under deck system you can notify us and add the information in your quote submission form.
Electric infrared heaters are a great choice to extend the use of your underdeck.
Our 220v, 6000w heaters allow you to utilize your space on chilly evenings, early fall, and early spring.
Heaters could be secured to most structures, positioned over a 10×10 area that you want to be heated.

What else
can we do?
- Projectors
- Swings
- Plants
- Disco ball
- Hammock
- Whatever else you come up with!
*Please note: We can only do surface-mountable fixtures, and cannot do recessed fixtures.

frequently asked
To install any electrical unit, an electrician would need to first come out and run the wiring. You can use your own or hire the electrician that we commonly use.
Yes. It’s a 3 step process:
- Electrician comes out and runs the wires to the locations that the units will be installed
- We come out and install our system & run the wires through the panels, waterproofing the areas where there will be an electrical unit attached to the panels
- The electrician comes back out and installs the unit as a final part of the project
Sure thing! If you are hiring your own electrician, we would be happy to share a document with you containing instructions on how to install wiring to accommodate our system
This type of power accommodates the climate in Colorado. Heaters will less power are better utilized in warmer climates, dog houses, enclosed garages, etc.
About $1,500 including heater, controls and electrical work.
We recommend the SL Series by Infratech:
They can be purchased through us or through Colorado Comfort Products in Denver.
Go on Amazon, and type in: “outdoor ceiling light”, choose whatever fits your taste! Please note, we cannot install lights flush with our panels – lights must be mounted to the surface of our panels. If you want the flush mounted look, find a light that is super thin.
Many times, yes! Make sure you have at least 7′ of underdeck height – preferably more.
The magic happens before we put up our system. Check out this photo.
Any electrical unit (fans, lights, heaters) that will be installed into our system will have 3 costs associated with it:
- The cost of the unit itself
- The cost for us to waterproof ($150/ea)
- The cost of the electrical work