Our goal is to provide our customers with a leak-free system. With this in mind, Amazing Underdeck offers a 5-year leak-free system installation warranty. This warranty covers leaking, dripping, and/or abnormal functionality due to improper or inadequate installation procedures.
Some deck structures have areas where adequate flashing is impossible or insufficient to prevent all leaks. In pursuit of this goal, our standard practice is to seal and flash all areas which may have the potential to leak. In most cases this is adequate. However, there is the possibility of small leaks and drips occurring in the following areas. Unless otherwise stated these occurrences will not be covered by the warranty:
The claim will be entered into our warranty/service database. You will be asked for specific information such as the precise location of the problem and for photographs of the area. We will use this information to pre-diagnose the problem and develop possible causes and solutions. At this time we will also determine whether the occurrence is or is not covered by your warranty.
Once it has been determined that a site visit is required, a tentative date will be provided to you for one of our technicians to physically inspect your installation. Depending on time of year and current work load the time frame for the appointment may be within six (6) weeks.
If it is determined that the occurrence is covered by the warranty then the situation will be resolved at no cost to the homeowner. If the occurrence is not covered by the warranty then a budgetary cost will be agreed upon, prior to coming to the job site, between the homeowner, and Under Deck Oasis. Upon agreement, the technician will visit the job site and remedy the problem.
Please note that when making non-warranty repairs we will always provide the customer with the best long-term solution at a fair price. In determining the repair cost, travel time will be calculated based upon the distance traveled from our crews’ nearest location to your home. We use the mileage and time as determined by Google Maps™.
Support posts which are mounted in the interior of the deck will be flashed and sealed. There may be occasions where you see drips from time to time.
Some railing systems require the support posts to protrude through the deck surface and anchor to the structure below. In most cases it is impossible to adequately flash these areas. Some dripping may occur over time.
Any features on the deck which prohibit the insertion of flashing material. To the best of our ability we will identify these areas to the homeowner and advise as to whether the ‘No Leak’ warranty can be applied to these area(s).
The homeowner must ensure that the deck ledger board has been properly flashed prior to installation of the Under Deck Oasis. Absence of this flashing will allow water to drain behind the ledger and down the wall. This phenomenon is outside of the systems ability to redirect this water.
Masonry work can seep water from time to time. This phenomenon is outside of the systems ability to re-direct this water.
Similar to the above ‘porous masonry’ issue, any water which is entering the building structure above the deck surface and exiting below the deck onto the patio is outside of the systems ability to re-direct this water.
It is important that during the winter months no external heat sources such as lights or heaters be kept operating for a lengthy period of time.
Sometimes with older decks the structural wood may split or crack. The warranty will cover this as long as we can adequately flash and seal these areas during the installation.
Lumber that is lapped together has a joint between the pieces. The warranty will apply only if we have access to cover the top of the joist with flashing.
This is a temporary condition. Leaks of this type will only occur in extreme conditions. Once the condition has subsided the leaks should not reoccur.
Rarely there may be an area that is impossible for our installer to reach in order to properly flash or seal the system.
Excessive tree and bird feeder debris could potentially clog the system if they are unattended to.
Pet urine in the system will destroy the aluminum and will not be covered by warranty.
A downspout protruding through the system is considered a non-standard installation and may result in leaks.
Excessive water dumping into the system from an external downspout could create system overflow and/or leaks.
When sistered joists rest on top of a beam, it is impossible to properly flash and seal. Other potential issues with sistered joists and beams are possible.
It’s our customers that make our business work. You’re amazing, and your home is amazing. You inspire us to do an amazing job installing our amazing system.
Let’s be amazing together.
© 2021 Amazing Underdeck
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